on a fixed budget, remember the three p s? what are the three p s? the three pillars of liferea, insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price, a price you caa n afford a price that can t increase and a price that fits your budget. i m 54. what s my price? you can get coverage for9.95 a m nine dollars, 95 cents a month . i m sixty five and takenth fo medication. what s my price?e age also nine ninety five 50a month also nine ninety five 50a month i just turned 80 . what s my price.pular nine ninety five a month fore ci you two.ram. if you re fifteen eighty five . st one most popular whole lifartie insurance plan available through the colonial pain program. is guarantit has an affe starting at nine dollars and 95 cents a month. cents a month. n questions. and this plan has a guaranteedth lifetime rate. luck so you can never go up for any reason. any reason. so now