55-year-old man who is unmarried have to pay for birth control in his policy? why is that something? we want to make a system where people can buy the insurance that they want. we need to work with congress to be able to do that. laura: this is rule-making. this is rule-making to get 60 days and then it goes into effect. then we would review the comments and go to find a role and that can be effective perhaps later this year. these are things we can do while obamacare is still in place. things we can do to help make insurance more affordable or at least give options to people. let s say lose her job. laura: actually pay for my own i m actually one of those individuals, a marketplace purchaser, my insurance has gone up 47% or something like that, it s crazy. so if you lose your job laura: can you stop saying that please. if somebody else loses their
from doing anything. actually a law that says you have to be 21 would have kept i it. ken and on something i think we would all agree with? i think stephen paddock and nikolas cruz should rot in hell after a horrible, horrible laura: i think florida would probably about 90% for the death penalty. the left is going crazy over what they are calling the deathblow to obamacare. is that really true? the incoming health and human services secretary has announced new regulations that could shake up the obamacare landscape. he will be here in an exclusive. his first interview up next. do what i did. ask your doctor about humira. it s proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections,
don t have any of the obamacare restrictions in terms of the mandate from the central government. less flexible so people can get lower cost plans if they choose to. laura: now you are in these plans that are supposedly health insurance, but it s access. people don t go to the doctor as much because the out-of-pocket costs are so high, the deductibles are so high. they say i have insurance, but $3600 before i can take advantage of it. those people, the middle-class were were stuck in the area of the economy will best benefit from this? we think a couple different groups of people could benefit from this. first, there are people for whom the affordable care act, obamacare s individual insurance plans are unaffordable. premiums doubled before the end of the obama administration. individual market premiums have soared. so for many people the plans are
not affordable to get, and what they get may not be real insurance in terms of the high deductible you are talking about. for some of those people, these less expensive plans, often one-third the price obamacare plans, might be a good option for them. laura: pre-existing conditions, what happens? these plans don t have those obamacare mandates about pre-existing conditions. laura: so if you have lung cancer. for somebody like that other options would probably make more sense. but for other individuals, these may be the cheaper laura: young people? young people, healthy people that are already being shut out of the obamacare marketplace. laura: because of the high costs. because the way the plans were structured, the premiums are so high for the young and healthy they ve artie been driven out of the marketplace. our opponents talk about this as if we are right now living in the land of milk and honey and everything is perfect and nobody is lacking insurance. we are tal
not have insurance that were promised affordable insurance and president trump with his executive order demanded that we come up with solutions and options like this for affordable individualized health insurance. laura: you re just trying to kill off obamacare. you re trying to kill it off and america s health insurance plans, they said we remain concerned that expanded use of short-term policies could further fragment the individual market, which would lead to higher premiums for many consumers, particularly those with pre-existing conditions. why are they so upset about this, mr. secretary? the national association of insurance commission was in the past very supportive of these efforts to create these affordable options for people. we are trying to make options available for folks who have been shut out of the marketplace. we need to keep working to build a different system than obamacare, but while we have it, we need more affordable options for people to get the insurance the