The Court said that Kejriwal, instead of using the meetings for discussing litigation strategy with his lawyers, was using it for giving directions to be passed on to the Water Minister.
The Court ruled that Kejriwal is liable for the affairs of the AAP and Section 70(1) of PMLA, which brings persons in charge of a company under the Act's ambit, can be attracted against him.
How did the anti-money laundering law come to have the vast scope that grants police powers to the ED, and allows it to take coercive action against politicians accused of corruption, with a high bar for bail? The UPA and NDA made the PMLA tougher over the years, and these provisions were upheld by the SC in 2021
Congress MLA Amba Prasad and her father faced ED questioning for money laundering. Prasad cited life struggles and belief in truth. ED seized unexplained cash, digital devices, fake stamps, and handwritten receipts during the investigation.