An unusual fundraiser this week for UNMC s College of Public Health also is intended to raise awareness about the role of public health in the community.
From 2015 to 2021, Nevada's Clark County averaged five cases a year of pediatric brain abscesses. Last year, there were 18. Researchers presented the finding this week to.
Professor Kenneth E. Carter will serve as interim dean of Oxford College starting Aug. 1. Carter is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology and chair of the Division of History and Social Sciences at Oxford.
Newly minted Ph.D. Oshea Johnson has studied the impact of mass incarceration on the health of inmates and their significant others. He will soon begin a two-year postdoc as an epidemic intelligence service officer with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and hopes his research will serve as a platform for reform in the criminal legal and penal systems.