Balloon release honours teen killed during family vacation
by Emma Austin, Louisville Courier Journal, The Associated Press
Posted Apr 4, 2021 1:09 pm EDT
Last Updated Apr 4, 2021 at 1:14 pm EDT
SHEPHERDSVILLE, Ky. Dozens of shiny red and black balloons floated up from behind a funeral home on Preston Highway Saturday evening, a memorial to 14-year-old Lucas Dale Likes.
With the sun shining from just above the horizon, friends and family members gathered at Schoppenhorst, Underwood and Brooks Funeral Home in Shepherdsville to honour the teenager who was shot and killed while on vacation with his family in Florida last month.
Lucas’ mother, Amy Salmon, said it was good to see how many people her son touched during his life. Many of them wore T-shirts with his photo and name painted in red and black his favouritecolours, for the University of Louisville as they watched the balloons disappear into the sky.