that the pressurization system goes to a certain maximum differential. it would be up against the stops when we hear 45,000 feet does it sound like somebody who doesn t know what they re doing? this sounds like there is a problem with the systems perhaps. anything could be possible. but the guts of that airplane, the compartment down below, below the galley door, if something malfunctioned of a serious nature, a fire, they would have control issues. and the wall street journal reported that the satellite was still picking, this airplane up to five hours beyond the time it stopped communicating through its transponder. and yet they re now reporting in order to shut down the pinging, the communication with the
that the pressurization system goes to a certain maximum differential. it would be up against the stops when we hear 45,000 feet does it sound like somebody who doesn t know what they re doing? this sounds like there is a problem with the systems perhaps. anything could be possible. but the guts of that airplane, the compartment down below, below the galley door, if something malfunctioned of a serious nature, a fire, they would have control issues. and the wall street journal reported that the satellite was still picking, this airplane up to five hours beyond the time it stopped communicating through its transponder. and yet they re now reporting in order to shut down the pinging, the communication with the