planted his roots deepest in memphis, tennessee, across the state and sang out his show business heart later in his career in las vegas, it was right here in nashville he made most of his best music. in all, elvisecorded 262 records here in music city. beginning with that classic you hear in the background, heartbreak hotel. since heartbreak hotel , he has sold over a billion records and continues to be a best-seller. it was a total change. radio stations who were, you know, in charge at that time, they immediately switched their formats. after trying his hand in october of 1954 at the grand ole opry, elvis becomes the country s first taylor swift. the change was just overnight. the music went from frank sinatra to elvis presley. elvis presley was danger. and he was passion. and he was sex.
his infamous doctor in memphis. this is a drug called sanalert, it has the caption capsule three times daily to keep sanity. an anti anxiety, anti tension, anti depressant. i am sure that elias prescribed medications to elvis presley. elias would never cross the line of jeopardizing that medical license that he worked so hard for, no matter what stage of celebrity it was. and elias, what do you hope comes from tonight? that people hear the side of the story that my dad wanted to tell people for so many years. and that he really wanted to help elvis. he looked at him as a family member, more like a brother. and he really loved him. why didn t anyone tell elvis to stop or slow down? elvis was a real proud human being, and he thought his job
how in the world did you get past colonel tom parker, the most protective manager in history to produce elvis? the colonel said mr. wine trap just gave us a million dollars to go on tour. elvis said, thank you, sir. thank you very much. i said, is there anything at all i can do for you, elvis? only thing you can do for me is promise me two things. number one, we ll always be sold out. and i want you to promise me that the first 20 rows will go to my fans. not the big-shots. viva las vegas. he also alohaed in hawaii and died in graceland, memphis, tennessee. this is the city most closely associated with the king of rock n roll in show business terms. this is where he start with ann margaret in viva las vegas and where he performed more often than anyone else by far. his home away from home here was the las vegas hilton. elvis was there so much, they
you re talking about, as far as i m concerned, we re just something natural. i mean, it s just my way of expressing it. i can t help it. and you ll still express yourself that way in songs in the future? i put it like this. if i stand still, i m dead. lots of screaming fans out there. do you still like screaming girls? if it wasn t for them, i think i d have to reenter the army. scandalously one girl elvis captain get enough of is the 14-year-old daughter of an army colonel he served with in germany. she is priscilla. and elvis arranges to bring her back to memphis when his time is up. how did you talk to her to get her come over by herself? he said i told her she was going to stay with my mama, and then she came up to graceland. but he was a real gentleman. a very really a southern gentleman. to me, the times i cherished
disappear, what would you do? well, i would probably try acting. on emergency leave due to his mother s critical illness, elvis is in memphis when she dies. a self-professed mama s boy, he is devastated. elvis laid over her coffin and said mama, i would give everything i ve got in the world and dig ditches for the rest of my life just to bring you back for five minutes. a toxic seed is planted in elvis life. he s introduced to amphetamines. in the words of a fellow soldier, elvis becomes evangelical about their benefits for energy, strength and weight loss. in 1960, honorably discharged, he returns to a more conservative america, with radio stations cutting back on his brand of rock n roll. rock n roll, the gyrations involved, are something that really should disappear from american life. how do you feel about that? well, the generation that