grave breach of trust. the report says that her phone may have been bugged for ten years, but that president obama says he would have stopped it if he d known about it. white house press scare jay carney said a couple of days ago that the white house isn t doing this, uh be i can t exactly blame merkel for being skeptical. as it is, we may end up handing over our own secrets through our phones. i recently got the iphone 5s. i love it. one of my favorite things about this new edition is the fingerprint sensor that unlocks the phone. no more swiping the screen and no more pass codes that a thief can decode. your one of a kind fingerprint is your ticket to real security. well, i sort of thought that until i remembered something that i saw my guest today tweet back in september. new iphone wants your fingerprint for security. can t wait to see apple s privacy policy for the dna scan in the iphone 7. rightfully, everyone from world