known. the royal finery was on display for the second time. big clears for the newlyweds, the duke and duchess. for this wedding, the pressure is off. they are relative unkboens. this is the queen s granddaughter. her husband is the captain of the rugby team. they said it would be private. no occasion where the queen and prince william and kate can be wholly private, not with the press outside. no cameras in the church not like in april when two billion people got front row seats. only 400 guests were invited and the public was not encouraged to line the streets. we have chosen because of this royal mile. it limits the crowd size. three months ago they had two million spectators for william and katherine. here they expect about 1500.
for this wedding, the pressure is off. they are relative unkboens. this is the queen s granddaughter. her husband is the captain of the rugby team. they said it would be private. no occasion where the queen and prince william and kate can be wholly private, not with the press outside. no cameras in the church not like in april when two billion people got front row seats. only 400 guests were invited and the public was not encouraged to line the streets. we have chosen because of this royal mile. it limits the crowd size. three months ago they had two million spectators for william and katherine. here they expect about 1500. some people you couldn t keep away. a lot of people said the monarchy is a thing of the past. don t you believe it.