romney seemed a little rattled. it was clear in my mind he was uncomfortable answering it. will he end up releasing those tax returns by april and what will he end up releasing, one year, five year, ten years worth. we know this guy has cash. come on. and i get speaker fees from time to time, not very much. not very much, that not very much amounted to about $349,000 a year. he just showed the old romney we ve seen time and time again. he s the total 1% package. if you don t run chris christie, romney will be the nominee. today, democrats announced that president obama s convention speech in charlotte, north carolina, on september 6th has been upgraded from the time warner cable arena to the 74,000-seat bank of america stadium. this will be the president s
74,000-seat bank of america stadium. this will be the president s second open air stadium presidential nomination acceptance speech. sources close to god report that he was inundated today with republican prayers for rain in charlotte on the evening of thursday, september 6th. also today, republican front-runner willard m. romney spent the day talking about taxes, as republicans are want to do, but not in the way republicans want to. in the prior races for president, the tradition has been the nominee releases his tax returns in tax season, in april, and i know that if i m the nominee, people will want to see the most recent year. so they ll want to see the tax returns that come out in april. so rather than sort of have multiple releases of tax returns, why, we ll wait until the tax returns for the recent year are completed and then release them. so romney is talking about releasing only his 2011 tax