A very tight contest between the s.n.p. In the Lib Dems that time the seam again in 2019 I suppose the 2 questions really are because both parties have student dance Brax it so it is very much whether the s.n.p. Have been able to reenergize those those voters who came out in large numbers for them in 2015 but but fewer numbers in 2017 that the exit poll pops tells us something about or whether or not the Lib Dems have been able to attract the true union voters who in 2017 lent their support to the Tories have enough of them switched over to the Lib Dems to give them the edge both parties are describing as as very tight so far the Lib Dems certainly think that perhaps the exit poll was it was a bit of a bit off as far as that particular seat was concerned but what we hear is that the s.n.p. Not only ahead the other interesting seat here in Fife is. Very different reasons and 27000 Labor one seat bought from there same with a majority of 259 Leslie Laird she was the the shadow Scottish
The Midlands and Wales which bank breaks it in 2016 with just 2 seats left to declare the conservatives are expected to have 364 M.P. s speaking in the past hour the prime minister said the results gave him a mandate to get breaks it done and take the u.k. Out of the e.u. Next month this election means that getting done is not the irrefutable irresistible all arguable decisions of the British people. And with this election I think we put an end to all those middle miserable threats of a 2nd reference Well in one of the most high profile shocks of the night the Liberal Democrat leader Jay Swinson lost her seat in Dumbo East she was beaten by $149.00 votes by the s.n.p. The Lib Dems have announced Davy and Lady Brinton will take over as joint acting leaders until a replacement for Ms Winston is elected early next year speaking after her defeat she said the election result was clearly a setback for liberal valleys for millions of people in our country these results. Will bring dread and
3 M.P. s to Westminster has had its worst night since the election of 1935 Jeremy Coben was re-elected to his north London constituency and while he announced he wouldn t lead labor into another general election he wouldn t stand down immediately I will not lead the party in any future general election campaign I will discuss with our party. To ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take going forward and I will lead the party during that period to ensure that discussion takes place and we move on into the future Well let s take a look at notable results in the south in the Conservatives have increased their majority in Southampton itchin which was a marginal seat the m.p. There Royston Smith we promised we would deliver breaks that we haven t and now we will say well I m not ready delighted to be returned as the Member of Parliament for sometimes rich and I m really really plays that we are going to now finally deliver break
Position you know he was formerly very one of the Integra people pulling Corba especially in the early days after the break the results into what a lot of people a lot of remain voters a lot of rain Labor Party members are very annoyed with so it is interesting that it seems like this you know this tide is washing washing laws mostly if there s a little bit of the liberal Levy area that you know where as we know all don t record and perhaps is not yet and I may get a little towards the end in liveries. Days and you know he got done by my character in the election that was well known this is something that we ve been baked in for years and you know I m sure he got votes from the National Union of Mineworkers connections too and he was he certainly wasn t a metropolitan remainer you know but and that doesn t seem to done him any favors at Georgia might this affect this election result either so it does suggest what you re seeing is not necessarily purely linked to personalities an indiv
What s so hard all night to count for us the returning officers I think my fellow candidates you know that jury. No Bucket Head. And others Elmo and others forgive me if I if I don t if I don t identify them all but I bow bow I want to thank I want to thank the people of this country for turning out to vote in a December election that we didn t want to call it which I think has turned out to be a historic election. Gives us now in this new government the chance to respect the democratic will of the British people to change this country for the better and to unleash the potential of the entire people of this country and that is what we will now do and if we are lucky enough to be returned as polls as the exit polls seem to suggest then that work will begin to thank you all very much all right I should say not tomorrow today. Thank you I got a spotless Johnson the m.p. For Oxbridge and south Rice who will be will continue to be our prime minister and we can now tell you that the Conserv