this administration. i mean just compared to how she was speaking to the vice president. right. it s like there s just noom there s no competition. but i think that sally field strategy for for presidentde biden not going to work right. you know, it s not it s not we ve come towe the conclusion that less is more with joe wildly popular when he was rusted peloton bike or solo flex got to get my analogy straight in the basement. and then when he came out ofed the basement, the numbers dropped. so youou don t actually want to push them out there. here s a better path for joe. if it s not too late, stand upta to the wokend. steer your party away from the progressive abyss and forre once and for all,ss burn your race card because every time you play the race card you may forget about it, but we all remember it, right? i mean, he doesn t remember the things he says about this person in that person he did. but but in this casee t we do remember the idea of him getting out of dc to make