Picture-Reuters The Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai today said the million-man march organised by the youth league of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front yesterday to express its solidarity with 92-year-old President Robert Mugabe was a spectacular flop. “A few thousand people, most of whom had been commandeered to travel to Harare
Decades later the madness persists with the State showing little to no concern over the destruction of the Bhalagwe plaque which is rudely opening up old festering wounds.
Decades later the madness persists with the State showing little to no concern over the destruction of the Bhalagwe plaque which is rudely opening up old festering wounds.
Decades later the madness persists with the State showing little to no concern over the destruction of the Bhalagwe plaque which is rudely opening up old festering wounds.
China refused to endorse a United Nations resolution that would have allowed military intervention in Zimbabwe shortly after President Robert Mugabe won the presidential elections in June 2008 when Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai pulled out, because it believed that Tsvangirai was the problem and not the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front