Most of their traditional activities have had to be cancelled or postponed due to COVID – everything from fundraising to charitable activities, but despite all the problems the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 92 in Gananoque has found ways to carry on and move forward.
Author of the article: Lorraine Payette • For Postmedia Network
Publishing date: Mar 08, 2021 • March 8, 2021 • 4 minute read • Branch 92 Legion President Ray Foster accepts a cheque for $4,087.23 from Gananoque Metro Manager Dan Shorey. Metro has gone out of its way to support the local community during this unprecedented time, and the funds are greatly appreciated. Submitted by Bill Beswetherick Photo by Bill Beswetherick
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The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 92 in Gananoque is determined to get through the pandemic and all that goes with it and come out stronger than ever.
“The Gananoque Legion was created in 1927 by veterans who had returned home after the end of the First World War,” said Bill Beswetherick, local branch historian. “Since then the legion has undergone many challenges including the Great Depression of the 1930s and numerous significant down-turns in the economy, but nothing to compare with the challenges it has f