rekeying is disclosing a confidential conversation, which is exactly what he did. shannon: john, what do you make of this? the inspector general is looking into the use of those mamas and how they were handled. i think unfortunately mr. comey out to be. i think we are seeing mr. comey thinks he lives by one set of rules and those rules are not the same that apply to the rest of us as americans or even apply to the agents in the fbi. he did like information. the only question is whether it was classified. it s already privileged. he s leaking confidential conversations between the fbi director and the president to the media without the president to president permission. this has done great damage to the fbi, both internally and externally. what president in the future is ever going to trust another fbi director that he can discuss confidential matters with? what fbi agents will trust their leadership to understand that they live by the same rules they hold their agents to enter they