your dad was invited to go to the delegation there. that had to be disappointed for him and the polish people because president obama had committed to going over there. they were trying to make a decision as late as saturday afternoon. and they made a final one at 2:00. they were going to fly saturday night for the funeral literally through the night, but they couldn t get all the different logistics in place given the ash cloud problem. the new york times is reporting defense secretary robert gates wrote a classified memo to the white house back in january warning the u.s. did not have an effective long-range missile to head with iran s capable to nuclear weapons. he said it would contribute to a long process, but some are cite sizing the obama administration on policies regarding iran. i didn t need a secret memo from mr. gates to ascertain that.
tehran s nuclear program. admiral mike mullin said getting the military involved right now is not necessary saying, quote, iran getting a nuclear weapon would be incredibly destabilizing. attacking them would also create the same kind of outcome. in an area that s so unstable right now, we just don t need more of that. admiral mullen s remarks comes at the new york times says chief gates said the u.s. did not have an effective long-range policy for dealing with iran s policy toward nuclear capability. he said the goal of his memo was to help with the process, but some are using it as an opportunity to criticize the obama administration on its policies regarding iran. i didn t need a secret memo from mr. gates to ascertain that. we do not have a coherent
policy. i think that s pretty obvious. we keep threatening sanctions. we keep for well over a year now, in fact, the previous administration. we keep threatening. obviously, we have not done anything that would in any way be viewed effective. we have to be able to pull the trigger on significant sanctions. then we have to make plans for whatever contingencies follow if those sapgss are not effected. what is important about bob gates i sight is that his tenure travels through the past administrations and many previous ones. this guy has been on the inside for a long time on both sides of the aisle. i have to say we buried the lead here. this was the most significant news of the weekend. the secretary of defense saying the united states of america does not have a long-range plan for dealing with iran. and the second i read that, i didn t think, oh, my gosh, the obama administration has fouled this up. i thought, oh, my gosh, the
large securities firm, which, by the way, gave an awful lot of money to executives from president obama. the government is going after a firm that supported the president during the campaign. and saying that they sort of rigged this game to help a hedge fund, a big hedge fund executive to the detriment of some of the investors in those securities. that reminds people why the financial regulation issue is important in the first place. all right. i want to show you i want to switch gears here and talk a little bit about john mccain. we have been talking about this on the show over the past week or two about him shying away from his maverick image. he s mavicing, mavericking. i talked to chris wall last about this. listen. how can you say i never considered myself a maverick? look, when i was fighting against my own president, whether we needed more troops in iraq or whether the spending was
qaeda and the taliban have nuclear weapons. that s a terrifying thing. the government in asia not long ago, they said, what keeps you up at night? he said, the first 36 hours after kim junk il dies, who is going to get, well, the military comes in and takes over whatever weapons of mass adestruction. robert told us this in the late 1940s. it was just not ever going to be absolutely stoppable. and there is from everything we know, there is no military plan where you can go into iran and do this. i mean, it is not. it is not simply a matter of culture, which a i agree, but where do you go? we have done this once. whether you like it or not as president obama says, it is so