President Karen Cook called the November meeting of the Flower Lover Garden Club to order in the social hall at St. John’s Church. She thanked the hostesses Jo Anderson, Dorothy Fogel and …
President Karen Cook called the meeting to order in the social hall at St. John’s Church. Cook thanked the hostesses Priscilla Zachary, Carolyn Fisher, Teresa Huxhold and Myrna Slinker. …
President Karen Cook called the meeting to order at Charleston’s Restaurant in Carmel. After a delicious lunch in the warm, cozy atmosphere of the Charleston, 22 members celebrated three …
President Karen Cook called the meeting to order in the social hall of St. John’s Church. Karen thanked the hostesses Donna Walton, Marty Heinold, Linda Crispin, Deb Barowsky and Janet Linton. …
On July 5, President Karen Cook introduced Crawfordsville Mayor Todd Barton. Barton thanked the Flower Lovers Garden Club for the amazing job that it has done annually planting the flower pots in …