The UN-authorized Kenyan peace mission to Haiti is a welcome gesture, but it falls drastically short of the help the country urgently needs to establish a modern state.
In the euro zone, where inflation reached a peak of 10.6% last year a record in the history of the single currency European Central Bank staff received a 4% salary increase for 2023
The Economist Intelligence Unit launches a new report which identifies an outbreak of hostilities in the South China Sea due to territorial disputes and a major military confrontation on the Korean Peninsula as among the top 10 risks to the global political and economic order.
The EIU report also cites that the two top risks are a prolonged fall in major stock markets that destabilizes the global economy and a trade war provoked by US protectionism.
The report details how the various risks could morph into threats that may destabilize large parts of the world.
Un courrier aux allures d’appel au secours, signé par 52 agents du parlement wallon, a été envoyé à toute l’assemblée ce jeudi matin. Le personnel y décrit le « climat de terreur » qui règne dans l’institution, et appelle les responsables politiques à « prendre leurs responsabilités » vis-à-vis du greffier.