bret: every week viewers vote for your choice online in this a lightning friday lightning round. this week, fast and furious won with 48% of the vote. back with the panel. okay. impact of the i.g. report, where it goes from here? david? heads roll. president fingertips are not on it. political impact zero. i don t know if we go anywhere from here. kirsten? that is what i have been saying for a long time. if anyone want to apologize to me can do it now. saying that basically the president, there was no evidence that the president knew about it. no president that the attorney general knew about it. that s what the i.g. report found. chairman issa s office has been making accusations that aren t founded. this report doesn t support them. this is a dead political issue. right or wrong, the issa, the time he spent on the investigation didn t yield anything politically that might have been other areas that might have yielded more political benefit for the