if time is infinite, why is ta john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. because with our quick-attach features, it takes less work to do more work. nothing runs like a deere. trump is trying to get down to business though. in fact he met with the ceos of general meters, ford and chrysler to convince them to make more cars in the u.s. [ applause ]
bet you didn t know that ainsley over to you. ainsley: the story of petty officer christian sauceir one we have been following on fox & friends. he is serving a sentence for taking these pictures inside a nuclear submarine. this morning is he hoping that president trump can help him. he is asking and begging for a pardon after his pleas to former president obama were ignored. but somehow chelsea manning, who leaked classified information had her sentence commuted. and hillary clinton, well, know what happened there, got off scot-free over that private email server. so is there new hope for christian under the new administration? christian s mother kathleen joins us now. great to have you back, kathleen. good morning. thank you so much for being here again to speak out. ainsley: you re welcome. tell us what is your message to donald trump? because he does often watch this show. so what would you like him to know? sure, what i would like him
who say you guys are acting hypocritical? it s not hypocritical at all. because pretty much what president trump is doing is undoing president obama s executive orders and taking us back to the constitution. you know, we were here we are in philadelphia, really the creation of our country where our forefathers created this great concept of to me the greatest nation in the world. but it had three coequal branches. that s what president trump is doing. is unshac unshackling. giving us the freedom we desire. think about the short time he has been in since the election. the optimism out there. look at the dow jones. look at what is happening in the economy. and then what we are able to accomplish as we do forward there is a lot of hope out there. we have a lot of responsibility on our hand and we don t take it lightly. brian: chuck schumer had a presser yesterday. these are all blending together. look if president trump wants a trillion-dollar stimulus plan infrastructure plan, i
thing called twitter. steve: sitting down with royalty queen latifah. she is great. ainsley: coming up, president trump is set to announce his pick for the supreme court. so who is on the short list? judge napolitano is involved in the selection process. he has the inside scoop next. steve: come on in. spill some beans. moving on over rocking on over move over that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. which adds fuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet?
keep in mind mitch mcconnell says the nominee will be confirmed. does that mateen nuclear option? does that mean no filibuster senator mcconnell said chris, i just told you have the nominee will be confirmed. brian. steve: judge, thank you very much. i m off to d.c. today. brian: so we will see you on special report ? yes, tonight. with james rosen hosting. what a lively special report that will be. we might be able to see a little bit of standup comedy. [laughter] were. brian: the meter will be off the charts. steve: hundreds of thousands swarming the streets to protest president trump over evident weekend. but our next guest says they are completely missing the point. her message to other women about the women s rally coming up. brian: hillary clinton isn t done. why this time she could be taking on oprah. oh, come on. brian brian judge, that s not for you to comment. move out of my way i want it all