know that he gets the credit card information. and what other information about the consumer might they have just from that traps action. and personal information about how much you spend and consider this. target has pharmacy cards and all of your medical information on that. and what if they get. that what kind of drugs you use and might try to steal the information and replicate that information and substantially get drugs on your dime. i don t guess i will be pulling out my credit card. it does make me wonder and makes me realize we need a better system in place. terry willis, thank you for being here. great information. and the senate committee makes conclusions on the benghazi attack and a moving mogul taking on the the nra with a movie. we ll be right back. male announcer ] alka-seltze plus presents thcold truth.
like i look like him. i don t think so. there you go. justin, you re all good, too. i m not trying to show favoritism. just saying. that s fine. thank you. bye-bye. richie if happy days. well, he s very talented. richie was cute. a loophole in obamacare lowering the quality of some coverage. coming up, we re going to tell you how so-called bare bone plans are still being offered and it s all legal. and finding a great job can be tough these days. but some baby boomers are looking past the unemployment lines and changing their careers late into their work lives. we re going to tell you what s behind all of that male announcer ] alka-seltze plus presents thcold truth.
now. reporter: senator mitch mcconnell of kentucky today announced that he s filing a resolution of disapproval related to the epa and regulations imposed on the coal industry. bret? mike tobin live in kentucky tonight, mike, thank you. still ahead, chris christie is not the republican governor democrats are going after. first, how much money do you owe china? male announcer ] alka-seltze plus presents thcold truth. i have the flu, i took medicine bui still have symptoms.
so what sweeping reforms could be headed to the agency to protect your privacy? don t consider yourself religious but do you still believe in god? you re not the only one. our faith panel is here to discuss the next big political demographic. not religious but spiritual. hi, faith panel. male announcer ] alka-seltze plus presents thcold truth. i have the flu,
happen? let s make sure that the necessary procedures and tools are in place so that if it does happen, people can be protected. that is all we re trying to do. and i really dismiss the opposition as being nothing but hollow and political, and let s help the people of this country already being harmed by this law. it looks pretty good in the house, over in the senate we ll see if harry reid brings it to a vote. the history on not so good. great to see you. megyn, a pleasure. and memorial for a fall information on the man who defended a killer, nominated for the top spot at the doj, next. and a man is assaulted, while his friends laugh. so why did the cops say that was not assault? smack the old lady male announcer ] alka-seltze plus presents thcold truth.