Paramount+ has renewed its animated preschool series, "Dora," for a second season. The show follows Dora and her friends as they embark on adventures in a fantastical rainforest, overcoming obstacles and being challenged by the sneaky fox, Swiper. The renewal underscores the popularity of kids and family programming on Paramount+.
The popular animated series, renewed ahead of their Season 2 debuts, gives the fearsome foursome of Kitties more time to make their town ‘pawsome’ while the all-dog construction crew keeps their town in tip-top shape.
Aardman and Netflix’s ‘Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget’ and Sky Cinema’s ‘The Amazing Maurice’ among the selections in the Best Feature Film category; winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on March 7.
Seasonal special follows the first visit by Juan Carlos and his mom to Daniel and his family in the ‘Neighborhood of Make-Believe;’ premieres and streams New Year’s Day on PBS Kids.
The new preschool ‘kindness adventure’ follows 5-year-old Bea and her two best friends as they hop their way through their diverse and inclusive Blocktown neighborhood; series now available on Sky Kids platforms in the U.K. and Ireland.