and on the day before thanksgiving, there was the pres s conference and you thought that there was going to be something to come out of it. itbut instead, we re all gluedat to the tv, waiting to feel as if there was going to behesef some relief for these families that there would at leasamt be e tip or something that they can share. and i understand that police work is incredibly complicated i . i understand that the fbi is involved, and i hope to godye that they wake up tomorroww mo morning. they tell us we got it.rn all right.inl wele gotss a guy and he did thn other two things as well. and he gss going to rot inii prison for the rest of his life. thst oi don f his t think that the case. and there were so many questions that were coming from the reporter class and especially the local reporting class that seemedme. really spot on to me like, yeah, did have you considerednef that his phone, if he di hd know these kids, was on the wi fi for a second, let s say if he pr had been to a