deductible item. have you to pay attention to that. you want to ask about investing expenses, your accounting prep fees, in years they are deductible, some years they are not. what s the one question to ask your accountant, when they say here s your return itch the one question that the accountant should ask you. or you should make sure to pring up to the accountant. unrealized losses. people go out and they buy stocks or bonds or make an investment in a condo and they lose the money. you are allowed a deduction for that, even if you didn t sell the stock certificate. if it s gone bankrupt, you can deduct that, $3,000 a year, above your gains for that particular year. and you can carry it forward. it s april 17. thank you so much. my producer s making sure that you know, you got those two extra days. but get started now. that s our take-charge consumer