Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT – Get Rating) had its target price increased by Evercore ISI from $337.00 to $400.00 in a research note published on Friday morning, The Fly reports. A number of other research firms have also recently commented on MSFT. Stifel Nicolaus lifted their target price on Microsoft from $310.00 to $320.00 and gave the […]
Microsoft Co. (NASDAQ:MSFT – Get Rating) reached a new 52-week high during trading on Monday after Evercore ISI raised their price target on the stock from $337.00 to $400.00. The company traded as high as $338.56 and last traded at $338.14, with a volume of 8072090 shares. The stock had previously closed at $335.40. MSFT […]
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT – Get Rating) had its target price increased by Credit Suisse Group from $350.00 to $420.00 in a report published on Wednesday morning, The Fly reports. Several other equities research analysts also recently issued reports on MSFT. Jefferies Financial Group boosted their price objective on Microsoft from $325.00 to $350.00 and gave the […]
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT – Get Rating) had its price target lifted by Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft from $340.00 to $380.00 in a report issued on Tuesday, The Fly reports. MSFT has been the subject of several other research reports. Piper Sandler upped their price objective on Microsoft from $290.00 to $348.00 in a report on Wednesday, April […]
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT – Get Rating) had its target price increased by Piper Sandler from $348.00 to $400.00 in a research report sent to investors on Wednesday, The Fly reports. Other analysts also recently issued research reports about the company. The Goldman Sachs Group boosted their price objective on Microsoft from $325.00 to $335.00 and gave […]