Read about the round-3 grand finale of Dark Patterns Buster Hackathon held in Varanasi. The event was organised by the department of consumer affairs and aimed at designing innovative solutions to detect dark patterns for e-Commerce platforms.
The SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 exam conducted on January 11 and 12. The difficulty level, number of good attempts, and topics asked in each section are listed below.
The SBI Clerk Prelims 2024 exam conducted on January 5, 6, 10, and 11. The difficulty level, number of good attempts, and topics asked in each section are listed below.
The RBI Assistant Prelims 2023 exam was conducted on November 18. The difficulty level, number of good attempts, and topics asked from each section are listed below.
LIC Assistant Previous Year Question: Get the LIC Assistant s previous year questions, approach to attempt the questions and benefits of solving previous year questions. Check the Exam pattern, exam analysis, difficulty level.