The Uttarakhand High Court on Wednesday stayed a government order (GO) which provided 30 per cent reservation in State services for women domiciled in the State.
UPSC Civil Services Prelims exam postponed, know new date here - The exam will be held on October 10, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has said.
UPSC Civil Services Exam 2021: How IAS Aspirants Can Prepare Current Affairs Effectively In A Short Time
by Swarajya Staff - Mar 15, 2021 09:05 AM
(representative image) (Photo by Manoj Dhaka / Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
A major challenge in front of the civil services aspirants, as well as the candidates appearing for other exams like IBPS, SBI PO etc. is preparing the current affairs.
The challenges of current affairs preparation include, first, the syllabus is ever increasing and changing; second, there is no set pattern in which the questions come, the focus of the paper can completely change from one year to the next; third, preparing current affairs with high effectiveness can take a lot of time, and cost other subjects.