The car that cried wolf. I suppose I should give you points for using your indicator too many don’t, see number 2 but when you snap it on and
leave it on, you become a passive, annoying factor for all those around you. Will they? Won’t they? Now? Soon? Ever? If you can’t hear the clicking, you should be able to see the flashing arrow. If you don’t notice either, you shouldn’t be driving. So you think I’m the Amazing Kreskin. Sadly, no, I do not know what you’re thinking, nor do I know that your surprise lane-change is about to cut me off. There are many things in life that should remain a mystery: the Cadbury Secret, what hotdogs are made of, what your kids do to the house when you’re away on vacation. What you’re about to do, whether at 30 km/h or 100, should not be one of them.