actually still a con iffdant to trump, has been at the white house several times. but more than likely he remains in an outside role working as an adviser or even just a friend to the predent to help on the political side how do the kids feel about this? sf. i m told that ivanka and jared, her husband, both senior advisers, are not exactly chummy with cory lewandowski. and i don t think that they are pushing to have him come back. but cory lewandowski does remain a friend of the president. so in spite of the concerns among some about in the white house, he xoo still hacould sti role inside or outside. and ivanka, jared, dorn, all were the reason why cory part of the reason why cory lewandowski got pushed out or were behind the pushing out. bob, thank you very much. ready or not, here i come.
health care, tax reform, regulatory reform? all the sort of things that need to be worked on. it makes it extremely difficult because, first of all, we don t have an administration giving guidance on what they would like to see, other than very sketchy outlines. you don t have the predent using his bully pulpit. and there s a sense of drift and distraction. and that s not good. you mentioned to me in the green room that you were here in 1974 as an intern during the height of watergate. whoa! you re aging me. i was hesitant to ask the question but didn t want to be rude. i m wondering if you can talk about if you feel parallels, a bit of deja vu or if you can
do you make of president trump saying that he would be honored to meet kim jong-un? i ask you that seriously because the dirty little secret is, that it will take, won t it, negotiations, with the north korean regime, to actually come i want your view on negotiations as a way to forge peace and not as a sign of weakness and appeasement. what do you think? your predent bill clinton was the last person to negotiate and cause an arms control agreement that worked with north korea? boy, how much time do we have? this is one of those wicked problems that people who get the honor of holding a position like i did, really spent a lot of time on. so briefly as i can, let me say this, first of all, there has to be a regional effort to
air space. it disintegrated over north korean land. we hear from the south koreans that this cannot stand. condemning the latest launch. it is another sign of the belidgerance of the north koreans. prime minister shinzo abe kme d commenting on this saying it cannot stand and go unanswered. calling north korea a grave threat. you said president trump tweeted overnight. saying north korea disrespected the wishes of china and highly respected predent when it launched unsuccessfully a missile today. bad. no comment yet at all. no mention from north korea. thomas. kelly cobiella reporting in seoul. kelly, thank you. back here at home, you heard president trump boasting about his first 100 days and
i m a strong black woman. i cannot be intimidated. i cannot be undermined. i m not going to be put down. i m not going to go anywhere. i m going to stay on the issues. the issues are basically these, we have a predent of the united states who does not deserve to be president. congressman maxine waters once again showing why she has become an icon of the resistance movement against trump. i m pleased to welcome her back to am joy this morning for what we love to call our moment of maxine. congresswoman, it s always nice to see you, even though we re not in person, nice to see you. thank you very much. i m delighted to be on with you again. i dress a little bit up when you re coming. i had to throw on some pearls this morning. let s talk about the issues, i think it s important. a lot of people are talking about you because of the outrageous and ridiculous things