The award winning ez-Wheel solution when combined with Life-Ready AI from GML will have a big impact to the logistics and supply chain industry by offering a safety certified mobile robotics platform capable of smart features like person tracking, obstacle avoidance and more.
When the corona virus attacked the world last year, we kept on working in our premises, since we knew that the indoor air did not contain any viruses thanks to our air decontaminators , says Niklas Skogster, CEO of Genano. One could say that this is one of the safest working places in the world, at least when it comes to the air we are breathing.
Electrocuted virus stands no chance
The principle behind Genano s technology is simple: Contaminated air is led inside the unit, where the negatively charged particles are attached to the positive collection surface. The particles are then destroyed with high voltage corona discharges. In the last step a 3-layer active carbon collector removes VOC gases and odours.