Mahesh Babu's die-hard fans, who had been waiting with bated breath for the pre-release event of Guntur Kaaram, received a jolt. The team announced that the film's pre-release event which was scheduled for tomorrow i.e. January 6, 2024 stands postponed. The new date of the pre-release event is yet to be decided. This sudden postponement news came as a shocker to fans who felt
Speaking at the pre-release event of Dhanush’s upcoming film, Captain Miller, director Mari Selvaraj spilled exciting details about his upcoming film with the Karnan actor.
The makers of Prabhas and Prashanth Neel’s upcoming film Salaar opted against having a pre-release event for the highly anticipated action thriller. Read on to find out the exact reason.
Ranbir Kapoor wins netizens hearts by greeting SS Rajamouli while touching his feet. Check reactions and the viral video. - Animal Pre-Release Event: Ranbir Kapoor Takes Ashirwad From SS Rajamouli, Touches His Feet - Check Reactions