clear at the white house that it is not guaranteed. there are some conditions before it happens. sure. the way i read the statement that came out of the white house today was that kim jong-un has said he s ready to talk. he wants to talk. and dole some things in the meantime. not the least of which is to quit testing. that s a big deal. and i think he is going to have to be held to that as a pre condition. i think he knows that or he wouldn t have said it. i want to you listen to something else that sarah sanders said at the white house today. for the first time in a long time, the united states is actually having conversations from a position of strength. not a position of weakness like the one that north korea finds itself in due to the maximum pressure campaign. the craft director has said that north korea is months away from being able to hit theuous the nuclear weapon. that sounds like position of strength. not america s right now.
of americans held by north koreans be a pre condition? i don t know that a pre condition. the only way this is started is kim jong-un is willing to denuclearize the peninsula. he has said that. does that mean it will happen? of course not. the direct talks between he and the president are a very, very good sign. i ve heard the negativity that it shouldn t be done. it is hard to find negativity in this. for 70 years, people have been trying to resolve this. they ve tried other method. it hasn t worked. what s wrong with trying this in. it is not about negativity or positivity. it is about getting into the nuts and bolts of how it will work and how it should work to be successful. what is a pre condition that must be adhered to to have this meeting? because they made it pretty
there was the visit by vice-president pence. we have been told that north korea talking to the united states is a pre-condition for any korean talks. we had a chance once again to get over to the olympic games on saturday and here is a bit of what we saw and heard. with the winter olympics now in their second week. the ice venues are going to be very busy. we re already seeing some results from the sports diplomacy aimed at dealing with the north korea crisis, but there remains to be seen in the coming weeks and months whether team usa and team korea will play nice and come up with some real gold medals. it s a stepping stone. it certainly wasn t hurt. i don t think they re making a good enough showing having a few athletes. i wish that every day could be like the olympics and we all could get along, but i think it s a great time to celebrate everyone being together. and those north korean cheerleaders were on the sidelines on saturday of the
games. i think you know, a little back and forth when tillerson said we re willing to talk, any time, any point and no preconditions. that s true and not true. the pre-condition, they stop testing. that s always been clear from the state department and the department of defense for there to be negotiations, any talk, you have to have some sort of pause on the north korean side. of course, just over the last 48 hours you had russia intervening saying they would host some of these conversations, would belong a mediator between the north and south and the u.s. as well. so there is a lot going on here. with the president s tweet i caution, starting back in june, positive about china, then negative. then positive again. he s really zigged and zagged on twitter whether or not he thinks china needs to be part of the solution, can be part of the solution or indeed wants to be part of the solution, and we ve gotten different answers from the president over twitter over the last year on that.
must occur before talks can begin. north korea must eastern its wa back to the table. the pressure campaign must and will continue until due nuclear ages denuclearization is achieved. we will keep our lines of communication over. with us now welcome to both of you. and elise, fast forward we heard the secretary of state speaking answering just a couple of questions and said there were no daylight between him and the white house. and this is coming in after both white house and state department had issued statements correcting tillerson s tuesday declaration that the u.s. was ready for talks without pre-condition. so what did you think of what he said today? was that walking a fine line? i think he s walking a fine