americans but republicans did block another symbolic resolution to rebuke the president more broadly on russia, what happened in helsinki. so it s unclear what more you heard quickly from vladimir putin comes to washington in the fall, not coming to capitol hill, they don t want any part of that. just words or actions? frankly republicans have a bit of a problem on this issue because prds trump is chanpresi changing what the republican party stands for. when you look at the numbers, more republicans now say that they are okay with having warmer relations with russia and approve how he handled the summit this past week. you have republicans in capitol hill who are playing by the old rules and pretrump rules and that s not where the base necessarily is anymore. and that s something that they are really going to have to finess, you did see more outrage from republicans this week than you have seen on previous issues but it was far from a universal
to conceal how many nuclear weapons and production facilities it has fewer than three weeks after prds trump declared the threat is over. what do you know about this and do you think the president is getting played by north korea? this is a very troubling report. there s no doubt about it. and north korea has a long history of cheating on agreements that it s made with previous administrations. i supported the president talking with the north korean dictator because i do believe that has the potential for increasing our safety and eventually leading to the denuclearization of north korea. but there s no doubt that in order to achieve that goal, we need verifiable unimpeded reliable inspections and without those inspections, we can have no guarantee that north korea is
the coalition we re a part of, we talk about a community led rebuilding process and need to allow the people of puerto rico have a say what the future looks like whether it comes to rebuilding and need to be sustainable and smart about the way we re investing in the future of the island. that s not happening right now. we re rebuilding a electric grid which was exactly what it was before the hurricane hit. that s outrageous waste of money and resources and not looking towards the future but towards the past. there s a lot of work to do. thank i very much. joining me here in new york. more from the letter from prds trump s lawyers to robert mule ers, we ll talk to a legal journalist named in the memo about the claims on the president s power. signature toughness. and one more thing. the world comes with it.
those claims and we need to learn a lot more about it. in the new york times also there s a report that news report when prds trump decided to fire james comey, drafted a letter and first sentence read that the russia investigation was fabricated and politically motivated. is that additional evidence potentially of obstruction of justice? absolutely. the president has made it very clear. he s done everything he can to stop and impede and undermine this investigation, first characterizing it as a hoax and then trying to stop the concurrent congressional investigations by reaching out to senators and then telling jim comey to let this flynn thing go. then ultimately firing the director of the fbi. given the explanation in part because of the russia investigation. rub, wo remember wolf, he yucked it up with russian officials saying i got that off my chest.