The 9-day-long festival of Shardiya Navaratri festival dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine avatars began on Monday with the first day of the festivity
Shardiya Navratri 2023 Date: This year, Navratri is set to begin on Sunday, October 15, and will end on Tuesday, October 24. Check out history, significance, date calendar, shubh muhurat, rituals, date-wise 9 colours and more.
Ashadh Month 2023: According to the Hindu calendar, there are a total of 12 months in a solar year. Every month has a special significance in the Hindu | BLiTZ
Aaj Ka Panchang, June 5, 2023: To ensure a smooth day and gain insights into its progress, you can refer to the tithi, auspicious timings, inauspicious timing and details about sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moon set timings on
Ashadha Month 2023: The month of Ashadha comes after Jyestha. It is the fourth month of the year according to the Hindu calendar. It is very auspicious to | BLiTZ