Prantar Dastider and Nidra Dey Neha had met during the making of the web-film “Antonagar”, directed by Goutam Koiri. Both of them made their debut in the industry through the Chorki’s produced project. The duo even ended up tying the knot in July, last year.
Romance sparked on the set of their debut web series "Antongar," and now Nidra Dey Neha and Prantar Dastider have taken their love story to the next level. The talented duo, who captured hearts with their on-screen chemistry, exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony held at Ramna Kali Mandir on Wednesday, surrounded by their loved ones.
The three on-screen pairs that will be featured in the production from Runout Films will include Runa Khan(Rozina) and Shamol Mawla (Ilias); Sabnam Faria (Moushumi) and Shohel Mondol (Maruf); Nidra Neha (Purnima) and Prantar Dastider (Shubho).
The movie has been both written and directed by Goutam Koiri. The director has weaved stories that are part of every Dhaka native’s life, yet never spoken of aloud.