absolutely not. there was a prank phone call by a liberal blogger, fellow from the buffalo beast by the name of ian murphy. among other things, it was very revealing what the governor was going to do and ultimately, a lot of people are saying hey, wait a minute, how could the governor of this state get pranked? is david coke on the line, this conservative billionaire, better talk to him. here s what happened, david coke, a well known conservative, rich guy here in new york, he apparently one of the coke brothers. he did not call governor walker in wisconsin but this liberal blogger did. was able to get through. had a 20 minute phone conversation with the governor. governor thinks he s talk to go david coke. for the most part, he s saying exactly privately to this guy what he s saying publicly about the situation in wisconsin. he responded last night on the greta van susteren show. from me, i felt uncomfortable
opportunity for you to make embarrassing mistakes. exhibit a, falling for quite literally the oldest trick in the book, the oldest trick in the book since there have been phones. the prank phone call, really? scott walker heard here laying out his secret plan to trick democrats into returning to the state to talk to him. laying out his secret plan to some guy somebody told him is a billionaire. laying out how he is going to trick democrats into coming back to the state so he can allow republicans to hold their votes. legally we believe once they ve gone into session, they don t physically have to be there. if they re in session that day and take a recess, the 19 senate republicans could then go into action and they would have a quorum because they started out that way. i ll talk. if they want to yell at me for an hour, i m used to that. i can deal with that, but i am not negotiating.
when comes to money to help out the state budget but don t end our rights when it comes to collective bargaining? are we seeing the same sort of differentiation that we re seeing in wisconsin? reporter: we re definitely seeing that here in ohio. and the key for this crowd here is the collective bargaining rights. but when you hear the speakers on the podium behind me talking, it s all about kill the bill. there doesn t seem to be a whole lot of room for compromise in this crowd here. these people want to see the bill dead and dead right now. eamon javers there in columbus. thank you very much. to madison, wisconsin. mike taibbi outside the state capitol. i just received some news about wisconsin governor scott walker getting caught in a prank phone call from a left-leaning organization. what do you know about it, mike? reporter: yeah, hi, contessa. it s the buffalo beast. it s an alternative news site from buffalo placed a call claiming to be one of the coke brothers, conservativ
but this guy wants it all from the little guy. wisconsin governor scott walker is refusing to back down. the governor of wisconsin still refuses to back down, but now he s having to explain a phone call. i take phone calls all the time. scott, david koch. the call has been verified. you re not talking to any of these democrats, are you? he talks about his plans to squeeze workers and to squeeze democratic lawmakers. might ratchet it up a little. it was actually a prank pulled by a website the buffalo beast. screws have been tightened a little today. what are you going to do? yes! those freeloaders with their cushy state jobs like snowplow operators, prison guards, and teachers. and he calls another press conference. i m not going to allow one prank phone call to be a
hey, wisconsinites, i told you so. but this guy is completely dismissive of the people who actually serve the state of wisconsin. and the tape flat-out proves it. but the right wing s outrage is still to cussed focused to the themselves. i ll bet the wage earners of wisconsin have something to say about the walker tapes. protesters should stay on the streets for months on end, after hearing about what they re going to hear tonight. and we ll ask them, does this change the game. this is the story that has me fired up first tonight. there is a smoking gun in wisconsin, budget standoff. a prank phone call, of all things, between governor scott walker and a reporter pretending to be billionaire republican money man david koch. has really got america buzzing. ian murphy, the editor of the