Bharatiya Janata Party chief J.P. Nadda has asked Goa s Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and Health Minister Vishwajit Rane to keep aside their differences and focus on controlling the Covid pandemic in the state. Amid the worsening situation in Goa, differences between Sawant and Rane over Covid management have come to the fore. The central leadership of the party believes that it will harm the BJP a year ahead of the state Assembly polls. The Assembly polls are likely to be scheduled in the first quarter of next year. Taking note of reports of differences between the Chief Minister and the Health Minister, Nadda spoke with them and suggested that they reconcile their differences and avoid expressing them in public.
Goa Health Minister Vishwajit Rane on Tuesday said the possibility of imposing certain restrictions in the state to curb the rising COVID-19 cases would be discussed with Chief Minister Pramod Sawant. On Monday, Sawant said there was no immediate plan to impose a lockdown or curfew in Goa, but his government was monitoring the COVID-19 situation in the state and neighbouring Maharashtra and Karnataka. Rane chaired a meeting of health officials on Monday to review the COVID-19 situation in the coastal state and later met the chief minister. During the meeting, concerns were raised over beds in COVID-19 facilities getting occupied fast.