his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was worn in kenya and not hawaii. end of quote. but the donald is not buying it telling the daily beast he didn t know he was running for president so he told the truth. the literary agent wrote down what he said, he said he was born in kenya and raised in indonesia. that s outrageous. this tuesday, trump is hosting a las vegas fundraiser. joining me now, bob frank, and erin mcpike, national political reporter, and melika henderson, thank you all for being here tonight. thank you. erin, let me start with you,
welcome back, folks, i want to take a quick trip down memory lane. do you remember this year when all the right could talk about was high gas prices and how it was president obama s fault? because we weren t drilling enough, the argument then, but it was ridiculous. u.s. oil production is at an eight-year high. the number of rigs has quadrupled under president obama and the u.s. exports more oil than it imports, but the gop could not stop pinning the blame on president obama. when he ran for office he said he wanted to see gasoline prices go up. he wanted higher gas prices and he got them. the administrations policies are designed on purpose to bring about higher gas prices. it s a direct result of
obama. blaming the president for high gas prices was a good political move, it just wasn t true. now gas prices are going down, just in time for memorial day. that s right. as millions of people head to the beaches and bbqs this week, they won t have to pay as much at the pump. gas prices have fallen 30 cents since april. a gallon of gas cost an average of $3.67 today, about 14 cents less than last memorial day. so if it was the president s fault when gas prices went up, i guess republicans are ready to give him credit now they re down. no guys, what do you have to say? no? nothing? anybody? any one of you? i ve been hearing a lot of those crickets lately. did the gop think we would not point out their empty logic?
thank you for being here tonight. congresswoman, what do you think of the gop summer agenda. once again their rhetoric doesn t meet the reality of what their summer agenda is. they talk about jobs, but they re summer agenda is about the same thing they have always been about, and that the is ensuring that tax cuts remain for the very wealthy, and they re not talking about how to create one job. they will not allow us to pass the president s american recovery act. i think their agenda for the summer is annize logical agenda. it s a campaign year, and they re trying to campaign, unfortunately, by hurting the american people and putting out this backwards agenda.
gop asked this question? american people are still asking the question where are the jobs? americans want to know where are the jobs? their asking where the jobs are. but, eric canter s agenda has other ideas. wait till you see his home moe. and romney says this campaign gaffe still haunts him. it means if you don t like what they do, you can fire them. i like being able to fire people that provide services to me. okay, so he regrets it, but we re watching what he does, not what he says. and in an interview out today, donald trump fans the birther flames again claiming the president was born in kenya, and he will be fundraising with mitt romney next week. will romney go ahead with the