devoted a chunk of his show to the initiative he did praise it, but he described what he would do differently. you re going to have to get people like jay-z, all right, kayne west, all of these gangster rappers to knock it off. that s number one. they idolize these guys with the hats on backwards and the terrible rap lyrics and the drug and all of that. you got to get these guys. bill o reilly, obama adviser, who would have thought. i love how he stretches jay-z s name out like four syllables long. jay-zp. back to the speech. something of a pattern at fox news, they sometimes skip presidential events while other networks are showing them live. sometimes fox says the speeches are predictable political events. i reached out to fox and the executive vice president of news said the following, decisions are made all day long about what should be on the screen at any given time. as with every other event, we stream live news on our website
analysts say what would happen you would see these affects felt sooner rather than later. the latest warning is from the ims research director. listen to this. the effects of any failure to repay the debt would be felt right away leading to potentially major disruptions in financial markets. both in the united states and aboeed. now we don t know for sure or what is going to happen because the fact of the matter is the u.s. has never defaulted ever before and analysts expect the global economies would take a hit and you would see stock markets around the globe fall. the value of the dollar would drop and global investors have to invest elsewhere and pressure on other currencies as well. many analysts are optimistic and they think congress is going to raise it in time but, look. the clock is ticking. october 17th is next week. also the damage done as well. alison kosik, thanks so much. the damage done, even if they do raise it, we have gone through a
president said last night, we could see in a drop in the dollar, a spike in interest rates that would lead to higher mortgages, higher credit loans. a double dip recession which would be the most dangerous part. tax receipts would fall further and we d be in this vicious cycle of bigger deficits. there is a risk. there are obviously a couple of weeks with which to play. next tuesday may not be the drop dead point in this process. until and unless they get an agreement, wall street will get increasingly nervous as we move toward whatever day that? ? thank you so much, ron. how is all this playing in the presidential race? how is presumed front runner mitt romney dealing with washington s debt ceiling crisis? john harwood is live in boston and has been looking inside the romney camp. he s basically not dealing with it, is that fair to say? that he s kind of flying over
romney campaign for president with john harwood. plus, what would default mean for you from car loans to mortgages, we ll break it all down next with ron on andrea mitchell reports. .was it something big? .or something small? .something old? .or something new? .or maybe, just maybe. it s something you haven t seen yet. the 2nd generation of intel core processors. stunning visuals, intelligent performance. this is visibly smart. this is my band from the 80 s, looker. hair and mascara, a lethal combo. i m jon haber of alto music. my business is all about getting music into people s hands. and the plum card from american express open helps me do that. you name it, i can buy it. and the savings that we get from the early pay discount has given us money to reinvest back into our business and help quadruple our floor space.
the dysfunction that we see in washington in both parties. reporter: absolutely, andrea. mitt romney has been keeping his head way down. he did come out of the cave to issue a tweet where he criticized president obama for historic failure on the debt limit noting that harry reid isn t even proposing tax increases anymore. it was the plain vanilla response on the debt limit. that s what he s been saying. yes, raise it, but also cut spending. this is a very risk averse front runner that s because he s a vulnerable front runner. what mitt rom niece been doing is trying to nurse his lead, save his money, he know it s a long campaign. when feistier candidates like rick perry get in the race, if he does, he s going to be very formidable. right now as one of the romney advisors told me, we have