Jammu, Nov 15: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Tuesday addressed a Janjatiya Samagam on the launch of week-long festivities on Janjatiya Gaurav Divas, at the Convention Centre. Paying tributes to iconic freedom fighter Bhagwan Birsa Munda on his Janm-Jayanti, the Lt Governor remembered the immense contribution of the tribal freedom fighters & brave heroes in freedom
In October this year, Jammu and Kashmir Government included 15 more castes in reservation for socially backward classes. The move provided for 4 per cent reservation in jobs and other sectors.The social caste list was redrawn on the .
The nation will forever be indebted to the bravery, courage & supreme sacrifice of Bhagwan Birsa Munda and other tribal icons: LG PM is working tirelessly to fulfill dreams of tribals. I urge people not to fall for those instigating people on reservation. HM has assured Gujjars & other community’s interests will be protected & there will be no decrease in their quota even by one per cent: LG We recognize the critical role and contribution of tribal community in […]
JAMMU, Nov 15: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha today addressed a Janjatiya Samagam on the launch of week-long festivities on Janjatiya Gaurav Divas, at the Convention Centre.Paying tributes to iconic freedom fighter Bhagwan Birsa Munda on his Janm-Jayanti, the Lt Governor remembered the immense contribution of the tribal freedom fighters & brave heroes in freedom struggle