There is still so much work to be done. We are making a big commitment and we are excited to partner with all of you in that effort. Take a look at this video. [indiscernible] anxiety insiona nd home dotituations, would take me through every room. Chest but i never expected anything so elaborate. There is absolutely no way to withn and out of the house a wheelchair. It was dangerous. I remember looking outside the window. There was this huge ramp. But they are not doing it just for me. They are doing it for my family. I can shower, i can think, i can function. Appreciated. Eing it shows the return on doing something. I happen to have a sevenyearold daughter who is my world. Depot doams like home care. Our commitment to veterans is in the very dna of our company now, and we are going to continue to invest even more. We are pledging right here and the Home Depot Foundation will donate a quarter of a billion dollars to support veterans i 2020. So we are excited. We are pledging a quarter
I believe there is an understandable lack of trust in the vas explanation. I urge all my colleagues to support this motion and i yield back. Thank you mr. Coffman. Thank you mr. Chairman, i want to remind my friend and my colleague from colorado that congress and of the morning hours, approved over a billion dollars to augment and there were projects over concerns of minorities that more conditions sort of have been attached and that the funding should have been sunlightbmitted careful. I am engaged in this how we should hold the va accountable for. Again, i find it a bit rich that Congress Approved that funding in the middle of the night over, i think the concerns of the minority. Today i am concerned that you are asking us to exercise our subpoena power when it maybe unnecessary. You have denied my request for witness for violating committee rules. How can we as a committee to Work Together to make the right decisionings f decisions for veterans. I am requesting today that we hold a
You are wish to address the board of education you can fill out a speaker cards prior to the item being called and plenty it present it to ms. Casco please fill out a speaking according to board rules and procedures their they will not be accepted before the board the substitute resolution revision to Bernie Madoffs the agenda is being withdrawn only board policy 932 is withdrawn the board will be addressing the board policy on pages 9 through 11 part of the substitute resolution item a is the approval of the minutes of regular meeting of september 18th i need a motion. So moved second thank you very much any corrections to the minutes seeing none, oar mr. Totiano turf ms. Fewer matt haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns and dr. Murase. 6 is. Next is presentation to the board of education superintendents report the superintendent is at a unconference about the good work in his place a superintendant guerrero good evening, commissioners and good evening all in atten