MNS chief Raj Thackeray said that with the situation still unclear, he would not be surprised if it turned out later that Sharad Pawar was involved in the developments that led to Ajit Pawar joining the BJP-Shinde Sena government.
Pune is a city that embraces a perfect fusion of history, culture, and wonderful cuisine. Join us as we explore Pune's culinary scene and delve into the histories of these cherished eateries that have come to represent the city's culinary tradition. Prepare to indulge in the famous German Bakery's European-inspired goodies or enjoy the nostalgia of Kayani Bakery's classic treats, which have become a staple of Pune's culinary tradition.
Police on Tuesday arrested Sayyed Mohammad Reza Ahmad Dekhanpur, owner of popular Irani Cafe, following accusations of mental and physical harassment by his wife