A day after BJP leader Ameet Satam alleged a scam in floating a tender for a tunnel laundry for BMC hospitals, Ravi Raja, the former opposition leader of the BMC and Congress corporator, raised the issue of road repairs and road concretisation in the city.
An estimated sum of Rs 1,000 crore has been spent on the project so far. Along with the Coastal Road, the BMC has also commenced work on a seashore walking track, gardens and open theatres.
Hours before the tenure of the Shiv Sena-led BMC ended on Monday, it passed more than 300 proposals worth Rs 2,500 crore within 25 minutes on the last day of the standing committee meeting.
In one of its last meetings before the term of the elected house ends on March 7, the standing committee of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation passed 85 proposals worth over Rs 1,000 crore out of the 180 proposals totalling over Rs 2,300 crore that were tabled before it on Wednesday.
BJP leader Prabhakar Shinde has written to BMC chief Iqbal Chahal and the Maharashtra Election commission over the draft map of electoral ward boundaries with regard to upcoming BMC elections.