PR Srinivasan news: Read stories by PR Srinivasan on The Economic Times. Read latest stories, expert columns, recommendations, best strategies, breaking story analysis by PR Srinivasan.
When Devinjit Singh, ex-Carlyle, and PR Srinivasan, ex-Citigroup, came together, the combined idea was to create a high quality, locally managed, mid-market PE fund. Through their experience, the founders had one significant learning – the need to proactively anticipate possible exit strategies at the time of investments. And that forms an integral part of Xponentias ethos, they tell ET Prime.
When Devinjit Singh, ex-Carlyle, and PR Srinivasan, ex-Citigroup, came together, the combined idea was to create a high quality, locally managed, mid-market PE fund. Through their experience, the founders had one significant learning – the need to proactively anticipate possible exit strategies at the time of investments. And that forms an integral part of Xponentias ethos, they tell ET Prime.
R Srinivasanattributes the market s performance to the abundance of liquidity. Srinivasan also shares his views on commodities, stating that they are bullish in the long term due to negative real rates. He advises investors to be negative on equities from a short-term perspective and emphasizes the importance of asset allocation and relative valuations.
Homegrown mid-market private equity player Xponentia Capital, which is a backer of companies including Barbeque Nation, The Souled Store and Easy Home Finance, among others, ..