at one time. wish you all were here with me. namas day. peace. i love it.m oh, my gosh! okay. where were the other men? i didn t see one guy there. he was the pr guy.the dana, since you convinced me to do this cause you do it every day, i must say there is something about it that looks like it s good for your soul. you know what i love about this event?r last summer i walked by and we were having a heat wave, it was 101 degrees. everybody was still out i think you said 16,000 people showed up today. what i like about it is that yes, you can get in shape and some of these people are amazingin and there is a fitness aspect. but it is the hour of the day that you don t spend an your phone and everybody is equal. there is i no competition. everybody gets along. evil!it why? two reasons why. yoga is not exercise.why? it s glorified stretching and only makes you really good at stretching. trylo number two in america, who is out in the afternoon doing