Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage Fund is one of the most popular categories in the Rs 50 trillion Indian mutual fund industry with the category’s total assets under management at Rs 2.22 trillion.
Speaking about the launch of the Instant Access Facility, Neil Parag Parikh, Chairman and CEO of PPFAS Asset Management, said, "At PPFAS AMC, we are committed to providing our investors with the best possible investment experience. The Instant Access Facility is a step in that direction, providing investors greater flexibility and convenience in managing their investments. Currently, the IAF shall be available on the PPFAS SelfInvest Website. Subsequently, the AMC may offer the same through other electronic/digital platforms."
"Central banks the world over have been guiding towards somewhat elevated interest rates and lower liquidity. The equity markets, however, are continuing to value assets like they were when the rates were very low," says Rajeev Thakkar, Chief Investment Officer and Director, PPFAS Mutual Fund.