U.S. stocks traded slightly higher this morning, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining around 50 points on Friday. Following the market opening Friday, the Dow traded up 0.02% to 34,078.08 while the NASDAQ rose 0.41% to 13,277.55. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.20% to 4,338.80.
Gainers MicroAlgo Inc. (NASDAQ: MLGO) shares jumped 74% to $7.02 after it unveiled a knowledge-enhanced backtracking search algorithm to boost the performance and efficiency of research institutions.
Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: PBTS) ("Powerbridge") is pleased to announce a significant step in its global expansion efforts through a strategic partnership with a prominent global smartphone provider (the "Client"). This collaboration underscores Powerbridge's commitment to enhancing its global reach and services, potentially offering growth opportunities for all stakeholders.