Building a new residence hall. Welcoming a nursing program. Conducting award-winning research in plastics recycling, astroparticle physics, aquatics robots and more. Get a glimpse of campus happenings and student and faculty accomplishments in this edition of 1400 Townsend.
Michigan Technological University, the state’s leader in STEM education, expands its research presence and educational offerings in the Grand Traverse region.
Michigan Technological University projects a total of $95.78 million in research expenditures during fiscal year 2022, an increase of over 17% from the previous all-time high of $81.7 million recorded last year.
Mobility is changing it’s electrifying. But not every vehicle is suited for electric propulsion and heavy battery systems. That’s where the rotary exhaust valve is revolutionary.
Michigan Technological University Youtube
Director of MTU’s Health Research Institute Caryn Heldt, featured in a YouTube video-tour of the lab inside the Great Lakes Research Center. The tour can be viewed at
Michigan Technological University researchers pivoted to looking for ways to help fight COVID-19 early in the pandemic. They were able to quickly launch a sample testing lab, design a PPE sanitizer, launch PPE-building programs, and more within the first months. Those research programs and the testing lab have continued to develop through the summer and fall.
“We just tested this week our 21,000th sample,” said David Reed, MTU’s Vice President for Research.