Power system harmonic distortion continues to be an area of concern for both network service providers (NSPs) and connected customers. As a general principle, NSPs are responsible for managing harmonic voltage distortion within bounds that ensure safe and reliable operation of equipment connected to electricity supply networks. One of the methods used by NSPs to manage voltage distortion is to allocate emission limits to large customers (loads and generators). Under this management philosophy it is then the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their plant does not exceed the allocated emission limit. There is considerable evidence to suggest that the existing methodologies used by NSPs to maintain appropriate harmonic distortion levels are not fit for purpose, difficult to implement and/or may result in inefficient use of the capability of the power system to absorb some level of harmonic distortion. This paper provides an overview of the Impact and Management of Harmonic Dist
HPS is pleased to announce the appointment of Ted Simpson to the position of Vice-President of Marketing. Ted succeeds Michael Frayne as Michael transitions to the role of Senior Vice.
Designed for the everyday consumer, the Eaton 5A UPS is suitable for small offices, entrepreneurs, creatives, and recreational gamers looking for a reliable and affordable UPS solution.