hilly. we know about the trump tower meeting in june of 2016 which they re promised dirt on hillary and they a foreign power information, something of value to help you win an election, yes, we have evidence of that already. the question is how extensive it was and who all was involved in it. jennifer just laid out all the points, neera. why is paul ryan, somebody who is retiring in january why would he stake his reputation going out and saying something like there s been no evidence whatever of any collusion. nothing to see here. what s going on with paul ryan in. i think what the polling show and the wall street journal poll shows paul ryan is between a rock and a hard place. obviously that rock is donald trump, and the stranglehold he has on republican base voters,
trump is citing wikileaks over and over on the campaign trail as evidence of hillary clinton s corruption. those are the facts we know. let s bring in laura coates, carl bernstein, and scott jennings. carl bernstein, you re somewhat of an expert on this type of thing. can there be this much smoke without a fire? well, what we ve seen today is significant evidence of an outline to conspire to undermine an american election, to conspire to collude. that is what is suggested in all these documents and what you ve just shown is the parallel salivating by donald trump and those in his campaign to get from a foreign power information about his political opponent. and what today represents more than anything else is the need for the congress of the united states particularly the republicans to put principle above party and protect the
and up until election day they re citing it as evidence of hillary clinton s corruption. those are the facts we know. let s bring in laura coates, carl bern at the scene, and scott jennings. carl bernstein, you re somewhat of an expert on this type of thing. can there be this much smoke without a fire? well, what we ve seen today is significant evidence of an out line to conspire to undermine an american election, to conspire to collude. that is what is suggested in all these documents, and what s you ve just shown is the parallel salivating by donald trump and those in his campaign to get from a foreign power information about his political opponent. and what today represents more than anything else is the need for the congress of the united states particularly the
that are doing shows of force. we have carrier strike groups going back and forth, airplanes flying over. you have diplomatic powers to get a unanimous security council vote for sanctions against north korea. and you have information power. and the president making a statement, fire and fury and those kinds of things, is a very deliberate and clear message to kim jong-un and north korea. and then when you have the secretary of state and the secretary of defense both saying something similar, the secretary of state being a little more diplomatic, and the secretary of defense being a little more direct but all buttressing what the president said, that s all power information. and just on cnn an hour ago, you had an analyst laying out all of our offensive capabilities and all of our defensive capabilities. i can promise you that the north koreans that have televisions are watching that. because we get this second order